Sunday, October 22, 2006

Pulling in...

The morning we pulled in from our 6-week underway.
The island in the early morning mist.
The fantail.
A few sonar techs, all smiles before a few well-deserved days off.

Exercise Torpedo Recovery

We shot a dud torpedo during one of our exercises. I was actually the operator that fired it. We get excited by stuff pretty easily. We then had to retrieve and stow the torpedo.
Cleaning and stowing.
A funny shot I threw in. Me taking a cat nap during a general quarters drill, don't tell on me.
A few of us in front of the torpedo launhcers right after we shot.

Exercise Torpedo Recovery

Wrestling with a torpedo is always fun.

Steel Beach Picnic

Steel Beach Picnics happen when we are out to sea for an extended period. We basically bring grills topside and enjoy a lazy afternoon off. There is grub, music and you can wear civilian clothes for a few hours. It is a nice break from drills and exercises.

Its not abnormal for me to have a mouth full of food.

Steel Beach Picnic

Lazy sonar techs...
You never knew that a Vertical Launching System could be used to hold soda and potato salad.
Even the overcooked burgers are great in the middle of the ocean.

San Diego

Together again.
Half the Pile clan, the mentally retarded half...
Military material.
Allie, probably on her cell phone.

San Diego

Mom and Allie

+ Dad
Ben and Audre were trying to get as close to the water as they could...

San Diego

I was able to spend a few hours with family when we pulled into San Diego. Spent the first night at Greg and Kim's house. The crew watching American Idol bloopers, a must see.
Two of my favorite babes - mom and my cousin Melanee.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Last sight of land BBQ

We had a BBQ a day or two before we got underway for COMPTUEX. I'm holding Bobby's little one.

He definitely doesn't lack attention. Stewie having her turn.

A few of the gang.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Out to sea...

It has been a while since I have been able to put up new pictures. We have been off the coast of California participating in an exercise called COMPTUEX. Its been six weeks of non-stop exercises. We are finally on our way back to the island. We have been training with the John C. Stenis strike group, the battle group we will be deploying with in January. I have quite a few good pictures, they should be up when I get back. They let us go without shaving for the last few days underway. Its funny that something so small can make everybody that much happier. Going five days without shaving is almost as good as getting a pay raise.... well, maybe not.

With the completion of COMPTUEX, the JCS strike group (including the O'Kane) is now surge capable. If something of importance occurs in the world, we would be the first strike group deployed (up to 96-hour notice) in the Pacific Fleet.

here are some interesting links:

"Stennis Completes COMPTUEX"

"Stennis Strike Group Approaches 'Surge Readiness'"

"Stennis Strike Group Takes ASW from Classroom to Ocean"

JCS Strike Group Web Site