Friday, September 07, 2007


A few in the division, the day we pulled out on deployment.
Some more line handlers.
SH-60B during a vertical replenishment at sea.
Helo picking up supplies from the supply ship.
Deployment was long and hot but overall a success. We left in January and transited to the Persian Gulf. We became the second carrier strike group in the Gulf. We spent about 4 1/2 months in the Gulf. It was hot and sweaty and we were glad to be leave when we did. We then transited back towards Hawaii, stopping of Guam to take part in Valiant Shield 2007. That exercise involved 3 carrier strike groups and was the largest Naval exercise in the world this year.

Disneyland Hong Kong

Chinese Pirates...
Disneyland Hong Kong was built a few years ago and has all the trappings of Disneyland California... well almost all. The food is generally some combination of rice and meat. Its about 1/3 the size but it doesn't have the junior version of Space Mountain. Mickey and Minny Mouse still roam around. It was quite an experience.

Hong Kong

With the fellas in what they call Time Square.
Time Square
Last night before we pulled out.
Hong Kong is yet another amazing place. It has a massive population, squeezed into a relatively small area. High rises and tiny back street alleys. The city is lit up through all the hours of the night with huge signs hanging from the sides of sky scrapers. Its an electronics paradise. All of the most modern cameras, computers and gadgets are being peddled around every corner. The only downside is that it is probably one of the dirtiest harbors in the world.

Hong Kong

Hong Kong

Pulling into the harbor
First sight of the city skyline


After a rainstorm


city streets

Singapore is by far the cleanest city I have ever been too. It is also a bustling, modern metropolis. Sailors have been pulling into this port since boats were first used. Spitting is illegal and carries a hefty fine. Chewing gum is also illegal, so you won't find gum sold anywhere. The standard punishment there is caning. It is a pretty basic punishment - you are hit with a tattered bamboo cane. I can't imagine.

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

What can I say, I am a pretty funny guy.
Shisha (or hookah as it is called in the States) is a Middle East trademark and widely available. It is a flavored tobacco that has been smoked for centuries. You would probably recognize it as the stuff the caterpillar was blowing rings with in Alice in Wonderland.

Abu Dhabi, the capital of the UAE, is not quite as sprawling and modern as Dubai but it was still an amazing place. They are also building an indoor snowboarding venue. There is always a brown haze in the air in the Middle East - a combination of heat and sand. There is very little pollution though. The UAE requires citizens to purchase new vehicles every few years (subsidized). It is also against the law to drive around in a dirty car, you never see them.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Dhows are everywhere in this area, much like they have been for hundreds of years.
The royal family has massive paintings and murals of themselves posted throughout the city. Many, like this one, take up the entire sides of buildings. Some stand alone and are over 10 stories high.
The skyline. That is the world's tallest building jutting up there on the left. The Burj Dubai is still under construction and now stands at 1792 feet (the final height is a tightly held secret).

Dubai is an amazing city, absolutely mind-blowing. Last year they had 30 percent of the world's construction cranes in that city alone. There are literally buildings and raods being built in all directions. It is clean, modern and growing at an amazing clip. The heat is pretty steep though. We hit the record for deployment - 133 degrees - there. Dubai has the world's tallest building (as of August) and the world's only 7-star hotel. They also built this massive building where they created a mountain and snow. It was quite a site to walk in from 130 plus temps to see people bundled up in coats, snowboarding. Thats Dubai.