Sunday, November 20, 2005


Some cool beaches we found, with more to come.

Kahana Valley - River crossing

Indiana Jones style cable crossing...

Kahana Valley

Some shots toward the end of the trail. We got in the water again - mostly to get a sweet reprieve from the mosquito invasion.

Kahana Valley - Machine gun nests

During our adventurous hike we stumble upon some abandoned machine gun nests. They must have housed about 5 machine gun turrets in all. You can't see it in the pictures but if you had cleared out a few trees the spot overlooks a huge valley with the ocean not 2 miles away. We would have stayed longer but the mosquitoes were begin to invade again and we could have sworn we heard zeroes in the distance.

Kahana Valley - Machine gun nests

We figure that they must have been built after the attacks of 1941. In all there were three gun nests and a magazine. They obviously hadn't been used in quite a while.

Kahana Valley

Kahana Valley, the thing you can't see are the thousands of mosquitos... maybe even more.

Kahana Valley

Some more shots of Kahana Valley.

Kahana Bay

Aaron and I hiking the near Kahana Bay. We took a little one mile hike to see what there was to see. This is on the North side of the island and yes it is as beautiful as it looks.

Dry Dock

USS O'Kane in the ship yards. We are in dry dock, undergoing our 5-year makeover. Here's a night shot.


Combat Systems berthing. Holds 60 of us when we are underway.