Saturday, June 24, 2006

Alaksa - 'Northern Edge'

Well, we just finished our 3 1/2 week trek to Alaska for Northern Edge - a joint Army, Air Force, Navy excercise. We pulled into a small fishing town called Homer. It actually turned out to be a pretty cool little town, tons of fishermen. I think the population was about 5,000. Alaska was quite a change from Hawaii, water temp dropped to 45 degrees plus a wicked wind chill. It is also daylight in Alaska for about 22 hours out of the day.
A bunch of us sonar techs also decided to grow mustaches for our trek. I was the only one that kept it the entire time, you might notice a strange fuzzy thing above my lip in the pictures.
We did a few things underway: whale watching, helo operations on the flight deck, gun qualifications in the freezing cold and we also got a fly-over by the new F-22 Raptor on the last day of the Air Force excercise. All in all it was a good trip.

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